Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Originally uploaded by Ghostface CRZA
According to wire reports the Bulldog dominated the New Momars 12 to something this evening. Levi pitched like a future All-Star in his Bulldog debut. The Bulldog showed some rust in the field which enabled the bad guys to score a run or two.

This photo was taken in Sun City, Arizona today by Coach. These things are placed on golf holes and moved frequently to scare away the Canadian geese.

Scary Stadium Advertising

Scary Stadium Advertising
Originally uploaded by Ghostface CRZA
This lady looks mad mean. If you look closely into her eyes you can deduct that she is planning to eat one of her kids.

Taken at Chase Field in Phoenix.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Astros vs. Diamondbacks

Astros vs. Diamondbacks
Originally uploaded by Ghostface CRZA
Pregame at Chase Field in Phoenix, Arizona.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Opening Day Mental Droppings

I am expecting the true leaders to emerge for our first game against the New Momars. Leaders: Meg is Coach's wife, not Mrs. Coach. Don't stick her with scoring, lineup making, or keyboard and amp setup. Leaders: bother Karl to get us new shirts. Leaders: ask youself what you want to accomplish and then make it happen. The only true way to predict the future is to create it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New Viking's Superstar Mullet

Monday, April 21, 2008

Bulldog Schedule Announced.

We are opening the season at 9 pm on Wednesday 4/30 versus our new hated rivals, Northpoint. It sounds like a mall. The full schedule is located in the right hand column in PDF and Google Calendar formats.

We are still at Bryn Mawr Field #11. Bring out your men+fem frens and gloves because I am never sure if the marginal player are going to retire (you know who you are).

Karl is going to manage the first game because I will be doing some top secret market research in Arizona. E-mail if you can't make it to the first game.

Softball Tips From a Fat Guy

For Softball: How Rotational Power is Generated by the Hips

Breaking News

The Onion

Yankees Bury Bernie Williams Under New Stadium For Good Luck

NEW YORK—Citing a need for physical and spiritual cleansing after a Boston Red Sox fan entombed a David Ortiz jersey in the floor of the new facility, the New York Yankees buried former centerfielder Bernie Williams under 4,650 pounds of...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New Time, Same Channel

Opening night is at Bryn Mawr Field #11 on Wednesday April 30, time TBA. New night this year - Wednesdays at 6, 7, 8, or 9 pm under the lights plus we are dropping down to E League! Unfortunately we will be losing Leah and Ryan because of our change to Wednesday. I have recruited some rookie ladies to help pick up the slack. Go see 2006 Sexiest Man Pete at his new actor thing called The American Pilot.

I'm not going to send everyone an e-mail every time I update the blog . . . but if you want updates, sign up and "subscribe" in the right hand column.

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