Monday, June 27, 2005

Astlay Amegay Eforebay Allway-Arstay Eakbray

9:15 ame-gay again-way is-thay eek-way ersus-vay Ayslack-may’-say. I-way ill-way ing-bray a-way aby-bay-ized-say ill-gray if-way ere-thay’-say anyone-way interested-way in-way illing-gray out-way e-pray-ame-gay,.

E-way ot-gay orked-way ast-lay eek-way -vsay. Eam-tay Earn-hay aka-way -MAY&I-way Ank-bay. It-way’-say e-thay irst-fay ime-tay in-way y-may 3 ears-yay as-way ayer-play/oach-cay at-thay e-way’ e-vay even-way e-bay 10 un-ray uled-ray. At-thay oesn-day’-tay ule-ray.

Ey-thay ad-hay a-way uy-gay ike-lay Obocop-ray at-thay it-hay e-thay ittle-lay ed-shay eyond-bay e-thay eft-lay ield-fay ence-fay. E-hay also-way it-hay e-thay ee-tray eyond-bay e-thay eft-lay ield-fay ence-fay. E-way ight-may onsider-cay alking-way im-hay in-way e-thay uture-fay. Once-way again-way our-way ase-bay unning-ray and-way ielding-fay ere-way uspect-say. I-way ame-blay it-way on-way e-thay osquitoes-may.

Omprehending-cay itten-wray Ig-pay Atin-lay is-way a-way ot-lay arder-hay an-thay oral-way Ig-pay Atin-lay.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’

As you may well know, our little Joey Potter is now engaged to Maverick from Top Gun. I am inviting everyone that shows up for our 9:15 game against Team Hearn Thursday night to sign a petition to Free Katie Holmes. I’ve seen what Mav did to Kelly McGillis and I’m concerned about this dirty little man doing the same to America’s sweetheart.

In our first meeting with Team Hearn we took one on the chin losing 1-6. Karl had the bum foot and AC filled in for TJ in left.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Goal: Reduce Reduce Military Spending

We have another 6:15 game Thursday. The opponent, RMS, is a very beatable opponent.

Last week week lost a close one 6-7. I was very impressed with the heart everyone showed out there.

Opportunity to Trash My House

I'm having a party this Saturday for those in town with nothing better to do. View the Evite

Past Good Times
2004 Party Fotos
2003 Party Fotos

Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Early Game Thursday

This Thursday we take on the Village Idiots at 6:15. Some of our missing teammates (including me) will be back this week. I have a feeling that this is our week to get back on track and blow up for a big win.

It should go without saying, but show up on time so we don't have to worry about forfeiting AND bring me money if you haven't paid yet.

Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 1, 2005

What's a Momar?

The game is at 7:15 vs. Momars. Please show up on time so we don't have to worry about a potential forfeit! I will be at the park early to get my practice on if anyone is interested. Last week we used the field located beyond left field of our game field for a little batting practice.

Bulldog veterans from the past few seasons may remember Momars as the team with the old man pitcher. You may also recall that there has been some bad blood between the two teams.

July 19, 2003
We only had four girls for this game. We had to take an out at the 10 spot in the batting order. Once again we are accused of cheating. Their first basemen stopped the game to grab their scorebook and make his plea to the ump. I was not happy with him. Neither was Anna. When we shook hands with the other team neither of use said “good game.” We were rebels.

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