Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Support Sexiest Man

If you cold, THIS should warm you up.

Sexiest Man is doing a David Mamet play at the Minneapolis Theatre Garage called The Cryptogram. It opens on the 16th of February and will run for three weeks. So find a babysitter and reserve some tickets (using the link below). They’re going like hotcakes I tell ya! Hope to see you all there.


Bulldog Team Member Jobs

Brooke Teacher?
Liz Financial confidante to MLB latinos
Rachel 8th grade science teacher
Beach Commodities trader
Sharisse Student/artist
Ginger Literacy consultant to African nations
Jenn HR consultant something
Shane Landscape designer/Foreman/Student
TJ Web designer
Sonja Sillyness enabler
Kelly Sillyness enabler
Leah Special education teacher
Karl Deconstruction Specialist
CoBro Contractor/Remodeler/Investor
Ryan Adaptive Physical Education Teacher
Janna High school Spanish teacher
Pete Film/Theater Director/Commercial fisherman/Actor/Welder
Todd Model/Construction guy
Meg Interior designer
Coach Marketing product manager
BK Lumber Salesman
Jeff Electrician

Random opposing player - "I'm not even going to ask why they call you Bush."

Sunday, January 21, 2007

New Co-Head Coach - Introducing Meg

Howsit bragh?

We are back from O'ahu and Maui and I'm unhappy to report that the honeymoon's over. We went to Waikiki for a night followed by a Pearl Harbor tour and Aloha Bowl Swap Meet visit. Later that day we flew to Maui for a condo stay just north of Ka'anapali near Lahaina.

We met up with our Karl(o) & Rachel in Maui for dinner and we drove them to the airport in our fancy Chrysler 300 rental car. During our team meeting we decided that the direction of the team needs to change and that we need more whiteboard.

I tried to get into local culture learning pidgeon Hawaiian English and eating local food favorite.

Okole = butt/ass, Squeeza = squeezer
Okole squeeza = a close call
Littah = litter

Sound like a local by removing "er" form words and replace with "ah." Also end sentences with "yeah?" Use similar to how some Canadians use "Eh?"

Check out our G Rated photo albums:
Hawai'i Pt. I of II
Hawai'i Pt. II of II

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